Archived on 6/5/2022

St Philip Neri school redevelopment - Hall block exterior planning permission refused

15 Jan '19

Planning permission refused, announced today on planning website. This is for Ref. No: DC/18/108169 application made July 2018 for the exterior finish of the hall block, the second phase of building.

R E A S O N (S) F O R R E F U S A L

  1. The submitted details are not adequate to fulfil the requirements of Condition 8(a),
    failing to provide samples of the timber cladding to demonstrate the high standard and
    detailing of materials required by Condition 8, and therefore contrary to Policies 15
    High quality design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011) and Development
    Management Local Plan (November 2014) DM Policy 30 Urban design and local
    I N F O R M A T I V E S
    A. The applicant is advised that the following conditions are still to be discharged:
    (4) Site Contamination
    (6) BREEAM
    (8) External Materials
    (14) Travel Plan
    Yours sincerely
    Vivian Evans
    Head of Planning
16 Jan '19

What a relief this latest monstrosity was blocked.

Who are they using as architects? Their pupils?

16 Jan '19

If only; they would come up with something better, I’m sure…

I find it completely baffling that permission is sought for one end of a building, with no information about the other half. It was built in two phases, but is in every other way a single building. Planning must demand a whole-building solution, without delay.