I’ve written a little bot that listens out for people talking about Sydenham, and retweets the most relevant tweets:
If anyone has ideas for this bot, I’m interested to hear.
Filter out low-quality tweets
Throttle tweets from over-tweeters
Follow human-curated list of “tastemaker” tweeters to analyse which accounts / content they like/retweet
Identify high quality tweeters via like_rate/follower_count and RT_rate/follower_count
Filter out mentions of SE26 that aren’t about the postcode
Use following/followers of user to see if they’re in the clique of relevant local users
Use DBPedia (Wikipedia interface for bots) to identify keywords related to Sydenham
Filter repetitive social media spamming
Manually curated - mute and retract RT
Identify spam tweets by proportion of hashtags
Filter tweets with text matching earlier tweets (from any account)
Bayesian filter?
Reduce repetition of the same news
Natural language processing to extract semantics and keywords, then compare to previous tweets. See https://code.google.com/archive/p/ws4j/
Filter Obcenities
Word blacklist?
Bayesian filter?
Filter non-English / non-local tweets
Language filter
Bayesian filter?
Prevent gaming
Human curation (blocking bad actors)
Whitelist accounts by analysing quality metrics (e.g. average like count per tweet per follower count)? New / spam accounts will have low scores for these metrics.