Archived on 6/5/2022
Artisan Kidz

1 Jul '18
Yes I have been keeping an eye on it but no clues yet! However did get an excellent deal on half price tiles at the previous shop before it closed. Apparently they were moving to online only as rent for shop didn’t make sense any more.

14 Jul '18
So as a local resident I received letter that planning application had been lodged to change use from A1 retail to dual use A1 for sales of art and artists materials and D1 art studios/work spaces.
Company name is Artisan Kidz.
So some further info but still intrigued what exactly it will turn out to be…

15 Jul '18
Artisan kids do lots of workshops for art in the local area. They are popular. A great addition to the high street. The tile shop was nice but under utilised.

21 Mar '19