Consultation runs until September 2nd:
18 metre 5G mast proposed next to Sydenham Tennis Club, on Springfield Road

On 17th August, Bromley Council refused permission for another mast, this time in Newlands Park. In fact, that refusal is probably why they are trying Springfield Road.
If you don’t want the mast here, have a look at the thread, and look at Bromley’s planning website to see what people said to convince the planners.
Bromley Council’s stated reasons for refusing the Newlands park application are that:
1 The proposal, by reason of the height, design and siting of the mast, would have a detrimental
impact on the visual amenities of the street scene and the character of the area, appearing
over-prominent and visually intrusive, thereby contrary to Policies 37 and 89 of the Bromley
Local Plan.
Note the buzzwords, and focus on these points. Also, the successful campaign used excellent use of social media to spread the word. No time to lose…

For those who would like to object, please do so before 2nd September.
I spoke to quite a few neighbours today (within 150 meters radius of the proposed location of this 5G mast), surprised to know at least half of them didn’t get the notification letters from the council or find the information on the application too vague / not sure about the exact location…

Vast majority of comments on the planning site are objections. Hopefully the planning dept are listening.