Every time I’ve recently walked past the (lovely) Greyhound pub the outside benches have people sitting on them drinking and chatting. Is anyone else bothered by this or am I being touchy?!
Greyhound pub benches

why would you be bothered by what other people are doing in public? I think its great to see people able to socialise responsibly outside. From what I’ve seen they seem to be keeping a distance and cleaning up after themselves. So fair play to em

I agree @SydenhamSteph. If the R number increases, not only will it result in more deaths, but also a longer lockdown and more economic ruin.

well we can thank the gov for the overall fact we’re in such a dire mess but given there is now loosened restrictions and folk are allowed interact in public places, the question remains, why are you bothered by this? remember not everyone has outside space or family or friends to interact with. i walk past here daily and for the most part I see a bunch of locals sitting on separate benches with a few cans having a chat… remember we have to look after our mental health and wellbeing also

Yes I totally hear your points here Cormac. Especially about mental health. I don’t have a garden myself so can relate! I just wasn’t sure if it was considered a public space. I have seen mess left which was a shame, so I’m glad to hear you have seen people taking their mess with them. I want this whole thing to pass so that the pub can reopen!

also… I’d ask you to reconsider your tagging of this topic as ‘crime’… are we really trying to say that people out in public is something we should be alarmed by? or are you just trying to encourage a divisive rhetoric in the responses? this should be more about community and togetherness than a forum for bitching and moaning… i don’t mean that in an argumentative way btw… just not sure where the topics get tagged or how

from what I’ve seen the pub workers have been there much of the time the public are on the benches so they’re well aware and I’d hope are leaving the benches available to give something to the locals seen as they can’t enjoy the pub right now. It’s going to be a mess for the next few months as they try figure out how to open safely… not sure we’ll all want to go back if we’re hiding behind perspex walls

It wasn’t my intention whatsoever to encourage a divisive rhetoric as you say, so maybe one of the admin will help with changing the topic tag. Thanks for highlighting that

I’ve changed the category. Just for future reference, you’re able to change the title and/or category by clicking the pencil icon next to the title.

Just spotted 2 elderly gentlemen finish their drinks, pick up an empty from another table and put everything in the bin. They were sat apart from each other - if done responsibly for me, if the pub are cool with it, no difference between spending the day in the park or going to the shops?

@Cormac why is @SydenhamSteph bothered by it? Have you seen the litter, and do you understand that social distancing isn’t just for our own safety but for the safety of others?
Elderly people are endangered if the virus is allowed to spread liberally amongst the rest of society.
You’re a fit, strong young lad and you may feel invulnerable but please spare a thought for those of us who aren’t.

As I’ve already said, I haven’t seen any litter or lack of social distancing from the older folk I’ve seen outside any time I’ve gone by. We should be careful not to spoil the small bit of social interaction some of our neighbours can enjoy responsibly. As with everything there will be some who break the rules but I see more rule breaking, littering and lack of social distancing in the shops and people walking down the street. Often much of the littering tends to be done by the younger generation and later in the evening. Lets not fall foul of the ‘nutpicking fallacy’ though. The message should be enjoy social interaction responsibly at a safe distance and clean up after yourselves which is hopefully what the majority are doing.

Kinda, but if they want to get ill let them carry on