Hello, our lovely cat Louis has gone missing from Fransfield Grove, Upper Sydenham near Kelvin Grove Primary School, off Kirkdale. He is a white cat with a distinctive black ‘hat’, black tail and spots on his side. He is microchipped and neutered but he’s not wearing a collar. He is very shy and never travels far from our front door. Any help appreciated.
Archived on 6/5/2022
White & black cat missing from Upper Sydenham [Now found]

14 Feb '20

14 Feb '20
Sorry to hear about Louis, @Julia_M.
I have shared this topic on our Twitter and Facebook channels

14 Feb '20
Thank you so much @anon3821395.

15 Feb '20
We found him! He wasn’t moving and is clearly off his food so I think a trip to the vet is in order. @anon3821395 can you delete the thread? So pleased that he is alive!

15 Feb '20
Hi @Julia_M, I have altered the title so it’s clear he’s been found, and I’ll update our social media posts. If we deleted the topic, those who are looking out for Louis might keep doing so.
Also, people like to see a happy ending to a lost cat story