Wells Park Place development

It’s on the top of a hill with everything a walk away. I think if spending those kind of sums you wouldn’t choose that area. Only good for driving places. Certainly hard work to any train station. Wonder about it every time I walk past. It is between lots of nice areas but nothing on doorstop

The site is overbuilt and claustrophobic. The town houses are dominated by the Alms house and already there are cars parking in the entrance way as the location is reliant on car use and there is limited parking. It feels a bit Butlins inside the location. Despite a big refurbishment and adding of balconies, the houses to the east are cramped with steep stairwells and little storage space. The occupants of the houses sited on wells park road can enjoy being on full display to the bus passengers of both decks every 15 minutes. Why were all the trees removed?~ because with them the houses would be so dark.