Bell Green Aldi Powered by Diesel Generators [Now reconnected to mains]

No response from Aldi yet on this. They asked me to private message them the details on Twitter, so I did on Thursday and haven’t had a response since then…

Aldi just replied on Twitter (via private message) to ask for a phone number so they could talk to me about this. I replied that I’d prefer for their response to be on the record. No reply since then …

Why would they run on generators ? Isn’t that more expensive?

Exactly. It only makes sense if there are serious power supply issues at Bell Green. It’s possible the generators belong to the landlord as opposed to Aldi. Hopefully Aldi will fill us in soon…

This just in from Aldi:

Why is Aldi having this problem, assuming that Toys R’ Us did not have a generator? Are there other generators on the Bell Green site we haven’t been told about publicly? I can see that food-stores need back up, but 24/7 diesel spewing out is unhealthy and plain ridiculous.

They should make a financial contribution to clean air measures in the area. We have some of the highest air pollution levels in the borough and this is not helping. Opening despite the lack of a mains connection shows a great deal of arrogance towards the local resident population.

Why on earth can’t they connect to the main grid? Sounds like the landlord is at fault here. Hopefully this gets sorted asap …

As reported on, Aldi Sydenham have made a planning application for the ‘temporary 12 month’ installation of generators in an enclosure at the store front:

Would you let us know how to object to this? If that would be a worthwhile thing to do. I’ve emailed in suppo for something in the past but used a template a friend shared but I can’t quite remem how I did it.

You either go to the Lewisham website, & follow links to “search and comment on planning applications” (or something like that). Search ‘aldi’, and it is at the top of the results. Or, just drop an email to quoting no. DC/20/115852 and including your full postal address.
If you are concerned with the obstruction of the cycle stands and social distancing concerns around the front of the store, you can also comment on the commonplace COVID-19 survey of pedestrian and cycle safety, as seen on the other trail.

The planning application was updated yesterday - and has been “withdrawn by the applicant”
[hat tip to ForestHull on who spotted this]


Excellent news, and well done Lewisham. However, I don’t believe anyone was expecting or hoping for Aldi to be closed down during the COVID-19 crisis over the matter. Given Aldi’s advertisement campaign claiming 100% renewable powered stores, though, I think Lewisham should make a public statement on the issue, now it is happily resolved

Interesting that adding to the already sky high levels of air pollution in Bell Green seems of little consequence to Lewisham council- unlike, for example, the air quality of the Thorpes and the huge amount of resources that have been spent closing off their roads making them “car free”. Hmmm

Genius!!! Doe that include providing the land to plant them?

And please Aldi, don’t do as Sainsburys did and entomb the trees in concrete. Poor tree planting does more harm than good. This is what you do …

Great news