Archived on 6/5/2022

Your photos from Jumble Trail 11th June 2017

11 Jun '17

Thoroughly enjoyed wondering around the stalls and meeting people in Sydenham today. Thank you @SydderSisters and others for organising a great community event :thumbsup:

Here are some of my photos from the day - see if you can spot a theme…

Do reply to this topic and share any photos you got today.

11 Jun '17

Wow give yourselves a pat on the back #Sydenham our jumble trail was huge success! Brown & Green Cafe Choir’s first public appearance, chatting to more neighbours than ever before, sun tans, happy customers & stall holders!

Super pics Chris. We would love to see your more of photos & see what you bought as the organisers @Syddersisters never made it around!