I was walking along the Waterlink Way, entering through the little passage from Moremead Road. I watched workmen who were demolishing the little row of four garages on Moremead Road take wheelbarrows full of brick rubble, soil, what looks like an old water tank, into the Waterlink Way path and dump it just to the left of the path, near the river. They’d clearly been doing it for a while, there was a lot there and they’d spread it level over quite a large area.
I phoned Environmental Health at the Lewisham Council, reported it and took photos. I’m not a regular visitor there but would love someone else to keep an eye out and see if there’s any further development.
There were no works signs or contact numbers around, they all looked very dodgy.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Possible Fly-Tipping Waterlink Way

7 Aug '19

10 Aug '19
It is definitely worth posting your photos and comments on FixMyStreet. Unlike contacting Lewisham directly, this is a public forum, and their performance record on sorting issues can be compared with other authorities. It contacts the council daily with new reports, and is more likely to be acted on. Well done for the photos.