Filming in Sydenham Park Road

Hmm, I wonder what the rate of return is on an empty property rented out as a film set? Could be less hassle than getting tenants in and also great exposure / “back story” that might increase the sale value of the house

I know my friends old boss had a house in Peckham with Victorian features. It was over 4 floors and they lived across 3 of them and one floor was kept empty to hire out for photo shoots etc and the income from this essentially covered the mortgage. House worth well over 1 million. Certainly there were interesting features in the rooms with traditional features and a beautiful fire place etc. Not just 4 boring walls.

When we lived in an apartment over on the Hill of Gypsies we were sounded out for a potential filming opp.
Best part of a grand was mooted and that was around ten years ago. Never happened though hee hee
Guessing the randomness and uncertain frequency would make it too sketchy to rely on.
That house however is now minted. Think the occupiers may work in TV also.