I am running my accountancy practice from Regent House Business Centre since 2005 under A R Business Consultants https://arconsultants.co.uk/
and also living locally I don’t have any strong interaction in local community but SE26.life appearance on social media attracted me to contact know about the community. Now I can offer you a free first tax or business setup consultations if you have any tax issue or business set up or compliance issues you can contact me and I can provide you first free consultation to put you in right direction thanks for all
Archived on 6/5/2022
Business and Tax advice for a small business and starters

7 Mar '19

9 Mar '19
Why don’t you pop along to the new SE26 Enterprise Hub at the Ignition Tap room on Friday afternoons. A new group of local creatives trying to help and support each other.

9 May '19
Thanks Jancarberry do you have regular meetings and when is the next one?

9 May '19
The organiser is Laura @ljones427