Archived on 6/5/2022
Council appoints its new head of comms and strategy - on a £100k salary

29 Jan '19

29 Jan '19
Seems Lewisham have resolved all their funding issues then…

30 Jan '19
Just what we need. More PR.

30 Jan '19
No doubt telling everyone how well their money is being spent.

30 Jan '19
They don’t seem to grasp that communication is a 2-way process, involving listening. They just want to issue propaganda…

30 Jan '19
Yes my reaction is absolutely not personal about the appointee, but frustration about the mayor’s priorities. My hope is that she focuses on the website, and other information access points for residents, rather than glossy virtue-signalling press releases for wider consumption. And that she makes sure that the council listens to residents, not just issue pronouncements …
Good luck…